康考迪亚致力于为所有学生提供相互尊重和充分参与的氛围. 如果您遇到任何障碍,无法充分参与任何教育计划, 由于残疾的影响,康科迪亚提供的活动或服务(e.g., physical, mental, cognitive) and may need accommodations to fully participate, you are encouraged to contact the ARC Accessibility Services Office.

Accessibility Services facilitates this process to establish that:

  • a student is a person with a disability
  • the accommodations requested are logical, reasonable and necessary to facilitate equal access and remove barriers
  • the requested accommodation is reasonable within the appropriate context


Get started

Step 1: Complete the Accessibility Services Request form

Click here for the Accessibility Services Request form.

Please use your Concordia email if you have one, otherwise your personal email address will work temporarily.

Step 2: Provide documentation

Provide documentation of your disability via the Accessibility Services Verification form.

Have your primary care doctor, 可以验证您的残疾的心理健康或其他医疗保健提供者填写下面列出的无障碍服务验证表格. Documentation can also be uploaded to your accessibility services request.

医生的诊断书和推荐信并不能自动保证选择住宿. The letter is not a prescription, nor are disability accommodations in higher education a entitlement program.

Learn more about disability assessment here.

Step 3: Participate in intake meeting

学生和无障碍服务主任将参与一个互动过程,以确定和实施适当的住宿计划,如果需要,以促进访问和参与任何教育项目, activities or services offered by Concordia.

Transfer students

转学生应该和我们谈谈他们以前的学校是如何管理住宿的, 以便我们确定并实施适当的住宿计划,以便在必要时促进平等的机会和参与.

Graduate students

Graduate students who are seeking accommodations for the first time, or who had previous accommodations during their undergraduate career, 是否应与我们联系,以便我们能够参与互动过程,以确定和实施适当的住宿计划,以便在需要时促进平等的机会和参与.

Frequently asked questions

Can I seek accommodations if I don’t have current documentation?

Every situation warrants its own consideration. 请注意,填写和提交表格并不能保证特定住宿将被批准或实施. 我们将与您在康考迪亚的整个时间,以确保您得到适当和合理的住宿. Your approved accommodation plan can be revisited at any time.


为了获得您的住宿,您不需要向ARC无障碍服务办公室以外的工作人员或教职员工披露任何个人信息. 有疑问或疑虑的教职员工可以直接与我们的办公室联系. 我们只会将您的住宿信息传达给实施住宿的必要工作人员/教职员工. 我们仅在您明确同意且必要时披露您的个人信息.

What are "reasonable" accommodations?

提供合理和适当的便利的目的是防止基于残疾的歧视. ARC无障碍服务办公室的工作是解决环境中的障碍或限制,为残疾学生创造公平的机会.

Reasonable accommodations, by their nature, 是否旨在增加残疾学生的包容性,使他们能够获得与同龄人相同的机会.


How are reasonable accommodations determined?


The Interactive Intake Process follows a set of guided questions. ARC无障碍服务办公室不会诊断或建议学生有残疾. 对话以要求学生识别和解释他们的残疾开始. 对话(互动吸收过程)涉及由ARC无障碍服务主任领导的一系列问题, that:

  1. 帮助确定学生的残疾如何成为他们接受教育的障碍
  2. how they have struggled with learning in the past
  3. what accommodations that they have had in the past have been the most helpful

住宿是根据个人情况而定的,而不是根据残疾标签. In some rare instances, 考虑到学术项目的技术标准,可能会询问项目主任/系主任住宿是否合理.

Needs vary among individuals with the same disability, therefore, suggestions represent only general guidelines for classroom adaptations. 重要的是要记住,学生可能有多种残疾,必须考虑到. 有些学生在与学生交谈时可能有不明显的残疾. Therefore, 请不要以为,因为你不能观察到一个人有残疾的明显迹象, that the student is not disabled. 学生被确定有资格获得住宿的事实意味着学生已经提交了文件或信息,并在大学正式注册为残疾.

With certain accommodations, such as flexible attendance, 安排适当的调整涉及到教授和学生之间的共同责任. In this instance the student with the disability is responsible for bringing their individual needs to the attention of the instructor once the faculty notification has been sent out; however, students may be hesitant to make special requests. 建议在学期初,教师做一个一般性的公告,或指导学生了解课程大纲中有关无障碍服务的信息.

Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • extended test taking time
  • use of assistive technology for audio-notetaking
  • accessible format for text to speech programs
  • testing in a distraction-free environment

Policies and forms

Click here to view the accessibility policies and forms.